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قديمي ۱۰-۳-۱۳۸۹, ۰۹:۲۲ بعد از ظهر   #1 (لینک دائم)
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آواتار mehdinajafinia
تاريخ عضويت: آبان ۱۳۸۹
محل سكونت: همدان
پست ها: 108
تشكرها: 149
269 تشكر در 74 پست
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Thumbs down معرفی حدودا 50 مقاله راجعبه هوش مصنوعی

من حدودا 50تا مقاله راجعبه هوش مصنوعی داشتم خوشحال میشم اگه به درد کسی بخوره.
اینم لیست اش ، سیستمم سخت بالا میاد و حجم فایلها هم بالا ، نشد خودشونو بذارم.
هر کدومو خواستید بگید!

1. AComparisonBetweenFuzzy_ID3AndOFFSS_BasedFuzzy_ID3
2. AfuzzyAlgorithmForNavigationOfMobileRobotsInUnknow nEnvironments
3. AfuzzyDecisionTreeInductionMethodForFuzzyData
4. AfuzzyInductiveLearningStrategyForModularRules
5. AknowledgeBasedGeneticAlgorithmForPathPlanningOfAM obileRobot
6. AnFuzzyMatchingMethodOfFuzzyDecisionTrees
7. AnInductiveAlgorithmForLearningConjunctiveFuzzyRul es
8. ApplyingContinuousActionReinforcementLearningAutom ata(CARLA)ToGlobalTrainingOfHiddenMarkovModels
9. AutonomousNavigationInAKnownDynamicEnvironment
10. AutonomousRobotNavigationBasedOnFuzzySensorFusionA ndReinforcementLearning
11. AutonomousRobotNavigationUsingFuzzyLogicController
12. Behavior_BasedLearningFuzzyRulesForMobileRobots
13. BehaviourBasedMobileRobotNavigationTechniqueForRea lWorldEnvironmentsUsingFuzzyLogicSystem
14. DesignAndImplementationOfFuzzyTrajectoryFollowingA ndPlanningControlForMobileRobots
15. DesignOfFuzzyPotentialEnergyForControlOfASoccerRob ot(Printed)
16. DynamicObstacleAvoidanceBasedOnFuzzyInferenceAndTr anspositionPrincipleForSoccerRobots(Printed)
17. ExperimentalEvaluationOfRobotPathPlanningByArtific ialPotentialFieldApproachWithSimulatedAnnealing
18. FeatureBasedRobotNavigation
19. FuzzyAgentsForReactiveNavigationOfAMobileRobot
20. FuzzyLogicBasedRobotPathPlanningInUnknownEnvironme nt
21. FuzzyModeling-PartI
22. FuzzyPotentialEnergyForAMapApproachToRobotNavi
23. FuzzyReinforcementLearningAndItsApplicationInRobot Navigation(Printed)
24. GA-BasedPathPlanningForMobileRobotSystemsEmployingAnA ctiveSearchAlgorithm
25. GeneticAlgorithmForDynamicPathPlanning
26. ImprovedGeneticAlgorithmsBasedPathPlanningOfMobile RobotUnderDynamicUnknownEnvironment
27. InductiveLearningFromFuzzyExamples
28. LearningFuzzyLogicControllerForReactiveRobotBehavi ours
29. LearningVariable_ResolutionMapsForNavigationInDyna micWorlds
30. LearningWeightedFuzzyRulesFromExamplesWithMixedAtt ributesByFuzzyDecisionTrees
31. MachineLearningAndSoftwareEngineering
32. MapBuildingViaIntegrationOfFuzzySystemsAndClustrin gAlgorithms
33. MobileRobotControlInDynamicEnvironmentsBasedOnHybr idIntelligentSystem
34. Multi_ScaleReinforcementLearningWithFuzzyState(Pri nted)
35. NavigationOfAMobileRobotWithFuzzySegments
36. ObstacleAvoidanceForMobileRobotsUsingArtificialPot entialFieldApproachWithSimulatedAnealing
37. PathPlanningAndNavigationForAutonomousMobileRobot
38. PathPlanningInAnEnvironmentWithStaticAndDynamicObs taclesUsingGeneticAlgorithm
39. Real_TimeDynamicFuzzyQ_LearningAndControlOfMobileR obots
40. ResearchOnPathPlanningForMobileRobotAmongDynamicOb stacles
41. Roadmap-BasedMotionPlanningInDynamicEnvironments
42. RobotMotionDecision_MakingSystemInUnknownEnvironme ntAndItsApplicationToAMobileRobot
43. RobotMotionDecision_MakingSystemInUnknownEnvironme nts
44. RobotPathPlanningByArtificialPotentialFieldOptimiz ationBasedOnReinforcementLearningWithFuzzySlate
45. StrategyForCollaborationInRobotSoccer(Printed)
46. TowardsAnEfficientOptimalTrajectoryPlannerForMulti pleMobileRobots
47. TowardsAutonomousTopologicalPlaceDetectionUsingThe ExtendedVoronoiGraph
48. UsingReinforcementLearningToSolveTheLabyrinthGame( A Non-LinearControlApplication)
49. IJA Automaton: Expediency and 8 -Optimality Properties
50. A New Fuzzy-Based Spatial Model for Robot Navigation among Dynamic Obstacles
52. Robot Path Planning usingWavefront Approach with Wall-Following
53. AMF: A Novel Reactive Approach for Motion Planning of Mobile Robots in Unknown Dynamic Environments
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از mehdinajafinia تشكر كرده اند:
30na (۰۲-۲۶-۱۳۹۱), aavaa (۰۷-۲۲-۱۳۹۲), aftabgardan (۰۳-۱۸-۱۳۹۰), aminintel (۰۸-۴-۱۳۹۱), Astaraki (۱۰-۳-۱۳۸۹), ayfer.a11 (۰۱-۲۷-۱۳۹۰), digicom (۰۶-۷-۱۳۹۲), eetedal (۰۷-۲۶-۱۳۹۲), hidas (۰۲-۲-۱۳۹۰), meamari2 (۰۲-۱۵-۱۳۹۱), myklik (۰۸-۲۸-۱۳۹۲), sadegh3333 (۰۷-۲۱-۱۳۹۱), saeed71 (۰۵-۹-۱۳۹۱), samane_89 (۱۲-۱۵-۱۳۸۹)

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سن: 2010
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