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mehdinajafinia ۱۰-۳-۱۳۸۹ ۰۹:۲۲ بعد از ظهر

معرفی حدودا 50 مقاله راجعبه هوش مصنوعی
من حدودا 50تا مقاله راجعبه هوش مصنوعی داشتم خوشحال میشم اگه به درد کسی بخوره.
اینم لیست اش ، سیستمم سخت بالا میاد و حجم فایلها هم بالا ، نشد خودشونو بذارم.
هر کدومو خواستید بگید!

1. AComparisonBetweenFuzzy_ID3AndOFFSS_BasedFuzzy_ID3
2. AfuzzyAlgorithmForNavigationOfMobileRobotsInUnknow nEnvironments
3. AfuzzyDecisionTreeInductionMethodForFuzzyData
4. AfuzzyInductiveLearningStrategyForModularRules
5. AknowledgeBasedGeneticAlgorithmForPathPlanningOfAM obileRobot
6. AnFuzzyMatchingMethodOfFuzzyDecisionTrees
7. AnInductiveAlgorithmForLearningConjunctiveFuzzyRul es
8. ApplyingContinuousActionReinforcementLearningAutom ata(CARLA)ToGlobalTrainingOfHiddenMarkovModels
9. AutonomousNavigationInAKnownDynamicEnvironment
10. AutonomousRobotNavigationBasedOnFuzzySensorFusionA ndReinforcementLearning
11. AutonomousRobotNavigationUsingFuzzyLogicController
12. Behavior_BasedLearningFuzzyRulesForMobileRobots
13. BehaviourBasedMobileRobotNavigationTechniqueForRea lWorldEnvironmentsUsingFuzzyLogicSystem
14. DesignAndImplementationOfFuzzyTrajectoryFollowingA ndPlanningControlForMobileRobots
15. DesignOfFuzzyPotentialEnergyForControlOfASoccerRob ot(Printed)
16. DynamicObstacleAvoidanceBasedOnFuzzyInferenceAndTr anspositionPrincipleForSoccerRobots(Printed)
17. ExperimentalEvaluationOfRobotPathPlanningByArtific ialPotentialFieldApproachWithSimulatedAnnealing
18. FeatureBasedRobotNavigation
19. FuzzyAgentsForReactiveNavigationOfAMobileRobot
20. FuzzyLogicBasedRobotPathPlanningInUnknownEnvironme nt
21. FuzzyModeling-PartI
22. FuzzyPotentialEnergyForAMapApproachToRobotNavi
23. FuzzyReinforcementLearningAndItsApplicationInRobot Navigation(Printed)
24. GA-BasedPathPlanningForMobileRobotSystemsEmployingAnA ctiveSearchAlgorithm
25. GeneticAlgorithmForDynamicPathPlanning
26. ImprovedGeneticAlgorithmsBasedPathPlanningOfMobile RobotUnderDynamicUnknownEnvironment
27. InductiveLearningFromFuzzyExamples
28. LearningFuzzyLogicControllerForReactiveRobotBehavi ours
29. LearningVariable_ResolutionMapsForNavigationInDyna micWorlds
30. LearningWeightedFuzzyRulesFromExamplesWithMixedAtt ributesByFuzzyDecisionTrees
31. MachineLearningAndSoftwareEngineering
32. MapBuildingViaIntegrationOfFuzzySystemsAndClustrin gAlgorithms
33. MobileRobotControlInDynamicEnvironmentsBasedOnHybr idIntelligentSystem
34. Multi_ScaleReinforcementLearningWithFuzzyState(Pri nted)
35. NavigationOfAMobileRobotWithFuzzySegments
36. ObstacleAvoidanceForMobileRobotsUsingArtificialPot entialFieldApproachWithSimulatedAnealing
37. PathPlanningAndNavigationForAutonomousMobileRobot
38. PathPlanningInAnEnvironmentWithStaticAndDynamicObs taclesUsingGeneticAlgorithm
39. Real_TimeDynamicFuzzyQ_LearningAndControlOfMobileR obots
40. ResearchOnPathPlanningForMobileRobotAmongDynamicOb stacles
41. Roadmap-BasedMotionPlanningInDynamicEnvironments
42. RobotMotionDecision_MakingSystemInUnknownEnvironme ntAndItsApplicationToAMobileRobot
43. RobotMotionDecision_MakingSystemInUnknownEnvironme nts
44. RobotPathPlanningByArtificialPotentialFieldOptimiz ationBasedOnReinforcementLearningWithFuzzySlate
45. StrategyForCollaborationInRobotSoccer(Printed)
46. TowardsAnEfficientOptimalTrajectoryPlannerForMulti pleMobileRobots
47. TowardsAutonomousTopologicalPlaceDetectionUsingThe ExtendedVoronoiGraph
48. UsingReinforcementLearningToSolveTheLabyrinthGame( A Non-LinearControlApplication)
49. IJA Automaton: Expediency and 8 -Optimality Properties
50. A New Fuzzy-Based Spatial Model for Robot Navigation among Dynamic Obstacles
52. Robot Path Planning usingWavefront Approach with Wall-Following
53. AMF: A Novel Reactive Approach for Motion Planning of Mobile Robots in Unknown Dynamic Environments

mehdinajafinia ۱۲-۱۷-۱۳۸۹ ۰۹:۵۵ بعد از ظهر

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نوشته اصلي بوسيله mehdinajafinia (پست 16229)

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mehdinajafinia ۱۲-۱۷-۱۳۸۹ ۰۹:۵۸ بعد از ظهر

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نوشته اصلي بوسيله samane_89 (پست 16228)
اگه امکان داره مقالات شماره 5و14و17و24و25و26و48و41و51و52و53و44 رو بذارین

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mehdinajafinia ۱۲-۱۷-۱۳۸۹ ۱۰:۰۱ بعد از ظهر

نقل قول:

نوشته اصلي بوسيله samane_89 (پست 16228)
اگه امکان داره مقالات شماره 5و14و17و24و25و26و48و41و51و52و53و44 رو بذارین

اینم دوتا مقاله آخری (قسمت3 آپلود)

mehdinajafinia ۱۲-۲۱-۱۳۸۹ ۰۸:۱۵ قبل از ظهر

نقل قول:

نوشته اصلي بوسيله samane_89 (پست 16264)
واقعا ممنون به خاطر مقالاتی که گذاشتین ...
اگه کسی کد motion planning ربات تو محیطی که موانع به شکل دایره هستند رو داره ممنون می شم اینجا بزاره.

قول نمیدم سعی ام رو میکنم کمکت کنم.
چند روزی منتظر موندم دیدم کسی کمکت نمیکنه.گفتم خودم بیام،مایوس نشی...نا امیدی دوست ندارم...
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mehdinajafinia ۱۲-۲۲-۱۳۸۹ ۰۶:۲۷ بعد از ظهر

5 مقاله در ادامه 50 مقاله معرفی شده(قسمت4 آپلود)

mehdinajafinia ۰۱-۲۲-۱۳۹۰ ۱۰:۲۷ بعد از ظهر

5مقاله در ادامه 50 مقاله معرفی شده(قسمت5 آپلود)

mehdinajafinia ۰۳-۱۸-۱۳۹۰ ۱۰:۴۰ قبل از ظهر

معرفی 24 مقاله به روز راجعبه هوش مصنوعی
دوستان امروز 24 مقاله در ادامه مقالات قبلی بهتون معرفی میکنم.

لیست مقالات


1.Haixia Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan, Patzold Matthias, Yi Wu, and Van Duc Nguyen. "A novel wideband space-time channel simulator based on the geometrical one-ring model with applications in MIMO-OFDM systems," WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING, 2010 (SCI)(

2. Haixia Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan, and Hsiao-Hwa Chen "On Array-Processing-Based Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Block-Coded OFDM Systems," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 2010 (SCI) (

3. Haixia Zhang,Yanbo Ma, Dongfeng Yuan, and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, “Quality-of-Service Driven Power, Bit and Subcarrier Allocation Policy for Vehicular Communication Networks”, accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC). (
4. Dongfeng Yuan, Zhangyu Guan, and Haixia Zhang, "Optimal and fair resource allocation for multiuser wireless multimedia transmissions," Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2010.(

5 Yun Liu, Fei Yu, Chin-Chen Chang, Dongfeng Yuan, Yiqin Lu, "Special issue on recent advances in computer science and engineering track on networks," Academy Publisher, P.O.Box 40, FIN-90571, OULU, Finland, pp: 991-993,2010.(

1. Haixia Zhang, M.T.Ivrlac, J.A.Nossek, and Dongfeng Yuan, "On Multiuser MIMO Multi-stream Transmission", IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, 2009.(SCI)(

2. Haixia Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, and Josef A. Nossek, "Effects of Channel Estimation Error on Array Processing Based QO-STBC Coded OFDM Systems," IEEE Communication Letters, Volume 13 Issue 4, Page 212 - 214, 2009. (

3. Zhangyu Guan, Dongfeng Yuan, and Haixia Zhang, "Optimal and Fair Resource Allocation for Multiuser Wireless Multimedia Transmissions," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (special issue on fairness in radio resource management for wireless networks, 2009) (SCI, EI)(

4. Yanbo Ma, Haixia Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan,and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, “Adaptive power allocation with quality-of-service guarantee in cognitive radio networks”, Computer Communications, Vol. 32, Issue 18, pp. 1975-1982, Dec. 2009. (SCI)(

5. Zhiquan Bai, Dongfeng Yuan and Kyungsup Kwak, “Multiple Access M-ary Modulation UWB System Based on Code-Selected Direct Sequence Bipolar PAM”, Wireless Personal Communications, v 49, n 2, pp 213-226, April 2009 [SCI](

6. Haixia Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan, Hsiao-Hwa Chen “On Array Processing Based Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time BlockCoded OFDM Systems ”, IEEE Trans. On Vehicle Technology, Volume: 58 , Issue: 9 , Page(s): 5336 – 5341, 2009 (

7. Haixia Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan, Matthias Paetzold, Yi Wu,and Van Duc Nguyen, “A Novel Wideband Space-Time ChannelSimulator Based on the Geometrical One-Ring Model With Applications in MIMO-OFDM”, Wireless Communications andMobile Computing, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Published online. DOI: 10.1002/wcm.787 (

8.Zhiquan Bai, Yuanquan Xu, Xiaotong Li, Rongkai Li, Dongfeng Yuan,and Kyungsup Kwak, "MIMO DS-BPAM UWB system withsrake receiver over multipath fading channels," Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers J. Circuits Syst.Comput. 2009.(

9.Yingji Zhong, KyungSup Kwak, Dongfeng Yuan, "Cross layer multicarrier MIMO cognitive cooperation scheme forwireless hybrid adhoc networks," Computer Communications 2009 (


1. Cheng-Xiang Wang, Dongfeng Yuan, Hsiao-Hua Chen, and Wen Xu, An Improved Deterministic SoS Channel Simulator for Multiple Uncorrelated Rayleigh Fading Channels, IEEE Trans. On Wireless Communications, Vol. 7, No. 9, September, 2008 (

2. Yingji Zhong, K.S Kwak, and Dongfeng Yuan," A Novel Cross Layer Game Knowledge Sharing Algorithm Based on Neural Fuzzy Connection Admission Controller for Cellular Ad Hoc Networking," August 2008, Computer Communication Journal in Elsevier,. Volume 31,Issue 13(SCI:0.59).(

3. Yingji Zhong, Q.H.Yang, K.S.Kwak, and Dongfeng Yuan, "Cross-Layer Cooperative Scheduling Scheme for Multi-channel Hybrid Ubiquitous Sensor Networks," Oct.2008,ETRI Journal,vol.30, no.5(SCI: 1.17).(

4. Zhiquan Bai, Dongfeng Yuan and Kyungsup Kwak, “Performance Evaluation of STBC Based Cooperative Systems over Slow Rayleigh Fading Channel”, Computer Communications, Elsevier, Vol.31, Issue 17, pp.4206-4211, Nov. 2008 [SCI](

1. Cheng-Xiang Wang, Matthias P?tzold and Dong-Feng Yuan, Accurate and Efficient Simulation of Multiple Uncorrelated Rayleigh Fading Waveforms, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications. VOL. 6, NO. 3, MARCH 2007 (SCI )(

2. Zhiquan Bai, Dongfeng Yuan, and Kyungsup Kwak, "Comprehensive Analysis of Turbo TCM over Two Typical Channels," Journal of Communications and Networks, Vol.9, No.1, pp.11-17, Mar. 2007 (SCI)(

3. Haixia Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan, Matthias P?tzold, “Novel Study on PAPRs Reduction in Wavelet Based Multicarrier modulation Systems”, Elsevier, Digital Signal Processing, 17 (1): 272-279 JAN 2007(SCI)(

4. Haixia Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan, Chengxiang Wang, “A Study on the PAPRs in Multicarrier Modulation Systems with different Orthogonal Bases”,Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 7 (3): 311-318 MAR 2007(SCI)(

5. Quanquan Liang, Dongfeng Yuan,Yong Wang,Hsiao-Hwa Chen, “A Cross-Layer Transmission Scheduling Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Computer Communications, Volume 30, Issues 14-15, 15 October 2007, Pages 2987-2994 (SCI)(

6. Yuling Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan, Cheng-Xiang Wang, “Cross-Layer Design Based on RC-LDPC Codes in MIMO Channels with Estimation Errors”,International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Available online 22 October 2007 (SCI) (

elecomp ۱۰-۵-۱۳۹۰ ۰۸:۴۵ بعد از ظهر

(([QUOTE=mehdinajafinia;14038]من حدودا 50تا مقاله راجعبه هوش مصنوعی داشتم خوشحال میشم اگه به درد کسی بخوره.
اینم لیست اش ، سیستمم سخت بالا میاد و حجم فایلها هم بالا ، نشد خودشونو بذارم.
هر کدومو خواستید بگید!))

man yeki azin maghaleharo mikham mozooesh farghi nemikone. mamnoon misham age behem bedid.

30na ۰۲-۹-۱۳۹۱ ۰۹:۱۶ قبل از ظهر

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