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Racetrack (programming) Consider driving a race car around a turn like those shown in Figure 5.8. You want to go as fast as possible, but not so fast as to run off the track. In our simplified racetrack, the car is at one of a discrete set of grid positions, the cells in the diagram. The velocity is also discrete, a number of grid cells moved horizontally and vertically per time step. The actions are increments to the velocity components. Each may be changed by , , or in one step, for a total of nine actions. Both velocity components are restricted to be nonnegative and less than 5, and they cannot both be zero. Each episode begins in one of the randomly selected start states and ends when the car crosses the finish line. The rewards are for each step that stays on the track, and if the agent tries to drive off the track. Actually leaving the track is not allowed, but the position is always advanced by at least one cell along either the horizontal or vertical axes. With these restrictions and considering only right turns, such as shown in the figure, all episodes are guaranteed to terminate, yet the optimal policy is unlikely to be excluded. To make the task more challenging, we assume that on half of the time steps the position is displaced forward or to the right by one additional cell beyond that specified by the velocity. Apply the on-policy Monte Carlo control method to this task to compute the optimal policy from each starting state. Exhibit several trajectories following the optimal policy.