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بازگشت   Artificial Intelligence - هوش مصنوعی > داده کاوی > داده كاوی(Data mining)

تبليغات سايت
Iranian Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
ارسال تاپيک جديد  پاسخ
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قديمي ۰۴-۱۴-۱۳۹۲, ۱۲:۴۳ بعد از ظهر   #1 (لینک دائم)
عضو جدید
آواتار mozhdeh_h
تاريخ عضويت: بهمن ۱۳۹۰
پست ها: 1
تشكرها: 0
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پيش فرض generate an artificial data from two gaussian distributions

i use matlab,and this question is about obsering the impact of diversity on balanced and imbalanced dataset and investigate how the performance measures behave along with the diversity degrees in depth,we build ensembles on several two dimensional artificial data sets with different degrees of class can I make an artificial data from two gaussian distributions with equal covariance and small overlapping area close to the separating line.three different data size are considered:while one class contains 200 training points,the size of the other class is set to 10(very imbalance),50(imbalance),200(balance).after generating these data ,i want to use it in bagging

mozhdeh_h آفلاين است   پاسخ با نقل قول

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تاريخ عضويت: -
محل سكونت: -
سن: 2010
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كاربران در حال ديدن تاپيک: 1 (0 عضو و 1 مهمان)

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