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Prolog Sudoku Solver
GNU Prolog code to solve sudoku puzzels

GNU Prolog code to solve sudoku puzzels % written by Niels & Andreas :- dynamic(counter/1). go :- File = 'sudoku.txt', % the file to read from, file should have 9 lines, each 9 charaters start(File). % 0 or spaces should be used for unknown values start(File) :- statistics(cputime,Cpu), % to count cpu time+ write(trying_file(File)),nl, % writeln doesn't work in GNU prolog see(File), % open file ( readall(List),nl, % read the file into the List write('list after reading: '),nl, pretty_sudo_print(List),nl, % print to see if reading went ok retractall(counter(_)), SolveTimes = 10, assert(counter(SolveTimes)), solve(List,SolveTimes) ; true ), seen, write('cpu time taken: '), statistics(cputime,CpuNew), CpuUsed is CpuNew - Cpu, writeln(CpuUsed). % close the file solve(List,C) :- %solve List max C times correct_whole(List),!, fill_numbers_in(List), retract(counter(X)), Xnew is X -1, Numb is C - X +1, write('number '),write(Numb),write(' found: '), pretty_sudo_print(List),nl, ( Xnew < 1,!, write('solving completed: '),write(C),write(' solutions found.... there might be more out there ... '), fail; true ), assert(counter(Xnew)), fail. solve(List,_) :- writeln(not_able_to_solve(List)). correct_whole(List) :- % check the file which was read for mistakes already existing control_hori(List), control_verti(List), control_regio(List). % check if all rows have no double items control_hori([]). control_hori([H|T]) :- all_different(H), control_hori(T). % check if all columns have no double items control_verti([[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]). control_verti([[A|TA],[B|TB],[C|TC],[D|TD],[E|TE],[F|TF],[G|TG],[H|TH],[I|TI]]) :- all_different([A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I]), control_verti([TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI]). % check if every 3x3 area has no double items control_regio([]). control_regio([A,B,C|T]) :- control_regio_row([A,B,C]), control_regio(T). control_regio_row([[],[],[]]). control_regio_row([[A,B,C|TA],[D,E,F|TB],[G,H,I|TC]]) :- all_different([A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I]), control_regio_row([TA,TB,TC]). correct_part(List,X,Y) :- % control a part of the sudoku with locations X and Y control_part_verti(List,Y), control_part_regio(List,X,Y),!. control_part_verti([[A|_],[B|_],[C|_],[D|_],[E|_],[F|_],[G|_],[H|_],[I|_]],1) :- %right column found !, all_different([A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I]). control_part_verti([[_|TA],[_|TB],[_|TC],[_|TD],[_|TE],[_|TF],[_|TG],[_|TH],[_|TI]],Y) :- Ynew is Y -1, control_part_verti([TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI],Ynew). %check next column control_part_regio(List,X,Y) :- Xnew is (X -1)// 3, % make the 9x9 to a 3x3 Ynew is (Y -1)// 3, control_part_regio_area(List,Xnew,Ynew). control_part_regio_area([Row1,Row2,Row3|_],0,Y) :- !,control_part_regio_row([Row1,Row2,Row3],Y). % rows where the 3x3 area is are found control_part_regio_area([_,_,_|List],X,Y) :- Xnew is X -1, control_part_regio_area(List,Xnew,Y). % try next rows control_part_regio_row([[A,B,C|_],[D,E,F|_],[G,H,I|_]],0) :- % 3x3 area found !,all_different([A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I]). control_part_regio_row([[_,_,_|TA],[_,_,_|TB],[_,_,_|TC]],Y) :- Ynew is Y -1, control_part_regio_row([TA,TB,TC],Ynew). %check next columns all_different([]) :- !. % an empty list has no double items :) all_different([H|T]) :- ( var(H) % if H is a Var, don't let it match with other items in the list ; not(membervar(H,T)) % else, make sure H is not in T ),!, all_different(T). %check rest of list membervar(H,[Var|T]) :- var(Var),!, % don't match Var with H membervar(H,T). % check if H is in T membervar(H,[H|_]) :- !. membervar(H,[_|T]) :- !,membervar(H,T). fill_numbers_in(List) :- findanVar(H,List,0,X,Y,Sublist), %find an var difference([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],Sublist,Choices), !, member(H,Choices), % find available number for that row correct_part(List,X,Y), fill_numbers_in(List). %check if it is correct fill_numbers_in(_). %there are no vars to fill in anymore. % give difference bewteen List and another list, all items which are in 1st but not in 2nd difference(List,[],List) :- !. difference(List,[H|Sublist],Difference) :- var(H),!,difference(List,Sublist,Difference),!. difference(List,[H|Sublist],Difference) :- remove(H,List,Newlist), difference(Newlist,Sublist,Difference),!. % remove item from the list remove(H,[H|T],T) :- !. %there is always max one time H in the list remove(_,[],[]). remove(H,[V|T],[V|NewT]) :- remove(H,T,NewT). findanVar(V,[Row|_],X,Xend,Yend,Row) :- Xnew is X +1, findaVar(V,Row,Xnew,1,Xend,Yend). % find a Var inside this row findanVar(V,[_|Rest],X,Xend,Yend,Sublist) :- Xnew is X +1, findanVar(V,Rest,Xnew,Xend,Yend,Sublist). %loop thru all horizontal rows findaVar(V,[V|_],X,Y,X,Y) :- %lovely.. :] var(V),!. findaVar(V,[_|T],X,Y,Xend,Yend) :- Ynew is Y + 1, findaVar(V,T,X,Ynew,Xend,Yend),!. % to read from the file readall(List) :- List = [_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_], readrows(List),!. readall(_) :- write('reading failed :/'),!,fail. readrows([]). readrows([H|T]) :- readrow(H), readrows(T). %read one row readrow(Var) :- Var = [_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_], readchars(Var). readchars([]) :- get0(Y), (Y == 10 ; Y == 13; Y == -1),!. readchars([H|T]) :- get0(Y), (((Y == 10 ; Y == 13),!,readchars([H|T])); ( (Y == 32;Y == 48),!; (Y > 48,Y < 58,!,H is Y - 48) ), readchars(T)). % pretty printing \0/ pretty_sudo_print([]). pretty_sudo_print([A,B,C|T]) :- nl,printsudorow(A), printsudorow(B), printsudorow(C), pretty_sudo_print(T). printsudorow([]) :- nl. printsudorow([A,B,C|T]) :- writerepv(A),tab(1), writerepv(B),tab(1), writerepv(C),tab(3), printsudorow(T). writerepv(X) :- var(X),!,write(' '). writerepv(X) :- write(X).
Astaraki آفلاين است   پاسخ با نقل قول
از Astaraki تشكر كرده اند:
masood (۱۰-۱۱-۱۳۹۱), نفس (۰۳-۹-۱۳۸۹)