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قديمي ۱۰-۲۱-۱۳۹۴, ۱۰:۵۵ قبل از ظهر   #1 (لینک دائم)
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آواتار ramin4251
تاريخ عضويت: مهر ۱۳۸۸
پست ها: 133
تشكرها: 1
75 تشكر در 38 پست
My Mood: Shad
پيش فرض Performance of optimal hierarchical type 2 fuzzy controller for load–frequency system

Performance of optimal hierarchical type 2 fuzzy controller for load–frequency system with
production rate limitation and governor dead band

Controlling load–frequency is regarded as one of the most important control-related issues in design and exploitation of power systems. Permanent frequency deviation from nominal value directly affects exploitation and reliability of power system. Too much frequency deviation may cause damage to equipment, reduction of network loads efficiency, creation of overload on communication lines and stimulation of network protection tools, and in some unfavorable circumstances, may cause the network collapse. So, it is of great importance to maintain the frequency at its nominal value. It would be useful to make use of the type 2 fuzzy in modeling of uncertainties in systems which are uncertain. In the present article, first, the simplified 4-block type-2 fuzzy has been used for modeling the fuzzy system. Then, fuzzy system regulations are reduced by 33% with the help of hierarchy fuzzy structure. The simplified type-2 fuzzy controller is optimized using the Cuckoo algorithm. Eventually, the performance of the proposed controller is compared to the Mamdani fuzzy controller in terms of the ISE, ITSE, and RMS criteria.

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سن: 2010
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