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قديمي ۱۱-۶-۱۳۸۸, ۰۵:۴۰ بعد از ظهر   #1 (لینک دائم)
آواتار Astaraki
تاريخ عضويت: خرداد ۱۳۸۷
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Thumbs up دانلود کتاب Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB and Wavelets

دانلود کتاب Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB and Wavelets

550 pages | Infinity Science Press (September 15, 2006) | ISBN: 0977858200 | PDF | 2 Mb
Although DSP has long been considered an EE topic, recent developments have also generated significant interest from the computer science community. DSP applications in the consumer market, such as bioinformatics, the MP3 audio format, and MPEG-based cable/satellite television have fueled a desire to understand this technology outside of hardware circles. Designed for upper division engineering and computer science students as well as practicing engineers, Digial Signal Processing Using Matlab and Wavelets emphasizes the practical applications of signal processing. Over 100 Matlab projects and wavelet techniques provide the latest applications of DSP, including image processing, games, filters, transforms, networking, parallel processing, and sound. The book also provides the mathematical processes and techniques needed to ensure an understanding of DSP theory. Designed to be incremental in difficulty, the book will benefit readers who are unfamiliar with complex mathematical topics or those limited in programming experience. Beginning with an introduction to Matlab programming, it moves through filters, sinusoids, sampling, the Fourier transform, the Z transform and other key topics. An entire chapter is dedicated to the discussion of wavelets and their applications. A CD-ROM (platform independent) accompanies the book and contains source code, projects, and Microsoft® PowerPoint slides.

Publisher: Infinity Science Press
Number Of Pages: 550
Publication Date: 2006-09-15
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0977858200
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780977858200
Binding: Hardcove

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83202200 (۰۶-۲۵-۱۳۸۹), astudio (۰۲-۲۲-۱۳۹۰), comp3 (۰۵-۱۴-۱۳۹۲), mansoory (۰۶-۱۴-۱۳۹۱), mmmsss (۰۸-۲۹-۱۳۸۹), saeid_sh (۱۲-۱۴-۱۳۸۹), samiran90 (۰۸-۴-۱۳۹۲)

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