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hannane ۰۹-۱۴-۱۳۸۸ ۰۹:۴۱ بعد از ظهر

niching در الگوریتم ژنتیک
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میشه در مورد روش niching در الگوریتم ژنتیک توضیح بدید ؟

ممنون میشم

Astaraki ۰۹-۱۴-۱۳۸۸ ۱۰:۳۳ بعد از ظهر

Niching methods for genetic algorithm
در اسرع وقت اطلاعات کاملتري از اين روش قرار داده خواهد شد;)

Niching methods extend genetic algorithms to domains that require the location and maintenance of multiple solutions. Such domains include classification and machine learning, multimodal function optimization, multiobjective function optimization, and simulation of complex and adaptive systems. This study presents a comprehensive treatment of niching methods and the related topic of population diversity. Its purpose is to analyze existing niching methods and to design improved niching methods. To achieve this purpose, it first develops a general framework for the modelling of niching methods, and then applies this framework to construct models of individual niching methods, specifically crowding and sharing methods. Using a constructed model of crowding, this study determines why crowding methods over the last two decades have not made effective niching methods. A series of tests and design modifications results in the development of a highly effective form of crowding, called determin...
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