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مقالات انگلیسی درباره پردازش تصویر فازی
سلام ، توی این پست چند تا مقاله مرتبط با پردازش تصویر فازی رو قرار می دم ، امیدوارم براتون مفید باشه. البته مقالات انگلیسی هستن : A Fuzzy Impulse Noise Detection and Reduction Method Abstract— Removing or reducing impulse noise is a very active research area in image processing. In this paper we describe a new algorithm that is especially developed for reducing all kinds of impulse noise: FIDRM (Fuzzy Impulse noise Detection and Reduction Method). It can also be applied to images having a mixture of impulse noise and other types of noise. The result is an image quasi without (or with very little) impulse noise so that other filters can be used afterwards. This nonlinear filtering technique contains two separated steps: an impulse noise detection step and a reduction step that preserves edge sharpness. Based on the concept of fuzzy gradient values our detection method constructs a fuzzy set impulse noise. This fuzzy set is represented by a membership function that will be used by the filtering method, which is a fuzzy averaging of neighbouring pixels. Experimental results show that FIDRM provides a significant improvement on other existing filters. FIDRM is not only very fast but also very effective for reducing little as well as very high impulse noise. |
APPLICATION OF FUZZY LOGIC ON IMAGE EDGE DETECTION Abstract: In this paper a novel method for an application of digital image processing, Edge Detection is developed. The contemporary Fuzzy logic, a key concept of artificial intelligence helps to implement the fuzzy relative pixel value algorithms and helps to find and highlight all the edges associated with an image by checking the relative pixel values and thus provides an algorithm to abridge the concepts of digital image processing and artificial intelligence. Exhaustive scanning of an image using the windowing technique takes place which is subjected to a set of fuzzy conditions for the comparison of pixel values with adjacent pixels to check the pixel magnitude gradient in the window. After the testing of fuzzy conditions the appropriate values are allocated to the pixels in the window under testing to provide an image highlighted with all the associated edges. |
Approximation Studies on Image Enhancement Using Fuzzy Technique An image can be considered as a fuzzy subset of plane. Fuzzy entropy measuring the blur in an image is a functional which increases when the sharpness of its argument image decreases. In this paper we consider three parameters such as the intensification parameter t, the fuzzifier h f and crossover point c .The partially ordered set and lattice theory defined in section 2 strengthens the selection of any value in the interval [0, 1] such that the image can be enhanced. Here we verify the approximate value of c and visual observation image enhancement in different figures. By entropy minimization technique we construct an approximation of the ideal image and for that we apply the enhancement operation to the low contrast image. This can be done by an optimization process that minimizes a criterion function. |
DESIGN AND APPLICATION OF AN IMAGE-PROCESSING-BASED FUZZY AUTOPILOT FOR SMALL-BOAT APPROACHING MANEUVERS This paper presents an image-processing-based fuzzy auto- pilot scheme for accomplishing small-boat approaching maneuvers in a harbor environment. In the proposed approach, two canvas targets are arranged in cascade on the quayside to form a leading line. The targets are detected by a charge coupled device (CCD) camera mounted on the bow of the boat, and their geometric centers are computed by a Hue- and Saturation-based image-processing scheme. The autopilot system calculates the current heading deviation and tracking deviation angles of the boat by analyzing the displacements of the target centers relative to the CCD center line. These angles are then supplied to a fuzzy-logic-based control system to determine the rudder commands required to bring the boat back on course. During the approaching maneuver, the auto- pilot system estimates the distance between the boat and the quayside using a simple trigonometric relationship, and at a certain pre-defined distance, automatically switches the steer- ing control system from an approach mode to a berthing control mode. The experimental results obtained using a small FRP boat confirm the ability of the autopilot system to accomplish the approaching maneuver and show that the estimated value of the boat-to-quayside distance deviates by approximately 10~20% from the exact value. |
Fuzzy Logic-Based Image Processing Using Graphics Processor Units ²This paper introduces a parallelization of fuzzy logic- based image processing using Graphics Processor Units (GPUs). Using an NVIDIA 8800 Ultra, a 126 time speed improvement can be made to fuzzy edge extraction making its processing real-time. The GPU can process approximately 42 frames per second at 640x480 image resolution, thus 307,200 inference processes per frame. With a computational speed improvement of over two orders of magnitude, more time can be allocated to higher level computer vision algorithms. This GPU solution is described using NVIDIAs Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). |
Fuzzy Techniques for Image Segmentation |
Image Enhancement Based on Fuzzy Aggregation techniques In many image processing applications the image quality should be improved to support the human perception. The image quality evaluation by the human observers is, however, heavily subjective in the nature. Different observers judge the image quality differently. In many cases the relevant part of image information which is perceived by the observer should reach a maximum. In this work we present a new approach to image enhancement which is based on fusion of different algorithms. We use fuzzy measure theory to represent the human subjectivity, and fuzzy integrals to aggregate this subjectivity with objective criteria. We also apply the Dempster aggregation rule to define a degree of compromise. Finally, we use a fuzzy rule-based approach to construct an aggregation matrix that allow us to generate enhanced images for each individual observer. As an example, we apply this approach to increase the quality of portal images that are used in radiation therapy. |
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