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ramin4251 ۱۰-۱۵-۱۳۹۴ ۰۳:۱۸ بعد از ظهر

Efficient Protocol for Data Clustering by Fuzzy Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm
Efficient Protocol for Data Clustering by Fuzzy Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm

Abstract: Data clustering is a technique for grouping similar and dissimilar data. Many clustering algorithms fail when dealing with multi-dimensional data. This paper introduces efficient methods for data clustering by Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm; called COAC and Fuzzy Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm, called FCOAC. The COA by inspire of cuckoo bird nature life tries to solve continuous problems. This algorithm clusters a large dataset to prior determined clusters numbers by this meta-heuristic algorithm and optimal the results by fuzzy logic. Firstly, the algorithm generates a random solutions equal to cuckoo population and with length dataset objects and with a cost function calculates the cost of each solution. Finally, fuzzy logic tries for the optimal solution. The performance of our algorithm is evaluated and compared with COAC, Black hole, CS, K-mean, PSO and GSA. The results show that our algorithm has better performance in comparison with them.

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