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چون به تجربه دیدم خیلی از ماها حوصله سرچ کردن تو دنیای اینترنت رو نداریم واستون یک لینک می زارم که تمام کتابای (تقریبا) شبکه عصبی رو که در torrent پیدا میشه لیست کرده تا مثل هلو دانلودشون کنید. فعلا بای 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download aryairaniaryairani- neural networks.torrent |
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این هم کتابای توی اون لیست 1. Analysis And Applications of Artificial Neural Networks.pdf 11.9 MB 2. Artificial Neural Networks in Real-Life Applications.pdf 9.63 MB 3. C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic.chm 2.30 MB 4. C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic.pdf 1.13 MB 5. Elements of Artificial Neural Networks.pdf 36.1 MB 6. Foundations of Neural Networks Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Engineering.pdf 5.22 MB Fundamentals of Neural Networks.pdf 27.8 MB 7. Fusion of Neural Networks Fuzzy Systems and Genetic Algorithms Industrial Applications.chm933 kB 8. Fusion of Neural Networks Fuzzy Systems and Genetic Algorithms Industrial Applications.pdf 6.54 MB 9. Handbook of Neural Network Signal Processing.pdf 12.9 MB 10. Image Processing Using Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks.pdf 5.86 MB 11. IOS Press - Neural Networks for Instrumentation Measurement and Related Industrial Applications.pdf 27.2 MB 12. Kalman Filtering and Neural Networks.pdf 5.87 MB 13. Kaman Sciences - Artificial Neural Network Technologies.pdf 366 kB 14. Learning and Soft Computing Support Vector Machines Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Models.pdf 68.1 MB 15. Methods and Procedures for the Verification and Validation of Artificial Neural Networks.pdf 19.3 MB 16. Neural Network Modeling Statistical Mechanics and Cybernetic Perspectives.pdf 6.80 MB 17. Neural Network Toolbox for Use with MATLAB User's Guide Version 4.pdf 4.87 MB 18. Neural Networks A Comprehensive Foundation 2nd Edition.pdf 40.4 MB 19. Neural Networks Algorithms Applications and Programming Techniques.pdf 10.1 MB 20. Neural Networks in Business Forecasting.chm 3.37 MB 21. Neural Networks in Finance.pdf 3.37 MB 22. Neural Networks in Healthcare Potential and Challenges.pdf 5.92 MB 23. Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++.chm 12.3 MB 24. Recent Advances in Artificial Neural Networks Design and Applications.pdf 3.22 MB 25. Recurrent Neural Networks Design and Applications.pdf 5.55 MB 26. Static and Dynamic Neural Networks.pdf 23.8 MB 27. The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks 2nd Edition.pdf 26.5 MB 28. University of Amsterdam - An Introduction to Neural Networks 8th Edition.pdf 1.26 MB |
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از باب من لم يشكرالمخلوق لم يشكرالخالق از سياوش قدرداني و سپاسگزاري ميكنم . اللهم وفقنا لما تحب و ترضي |
متاسفانه لینک دانلودی رو که قرار دادین کار نمیکنه اگر امکان داره تصحیح کنید ممنونم |
لينک خيلي قديمي هست، شايد خود ايشون(aryairaniaryairani) داشته باشن:29:
لینک کار می کنه. کتاباش که هست! خب سرچ میکنیم دنبالشون.
فقط لطفا اگر کسی مطلبی راجع به شیوه ی طراحی شبکه های بهینه داره به من هم بده. tnx |
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